Päästa koerake äikesetormist
Mänguline ülesanne on koostatud omal ajal õppejõu Heljut Kalda ning TTÜ üliõpilase Tõnu Leinbocki poolt. Anna teada kui kaugele jõudsid ?
« « Meenutusi kummituste detektori töötoast Lintmakk Mrija » »
2013-03-11 21:07:59
2013-03-11 21:08:06
2013-03-11 21:08:55
2013-03-11 21:09:04
2013-03-11 21:09:11
huvitav kahju ainult et tehtu sai 6 katsest 🙁
A good list of rules to ingrain around the dog will be the concept of “nothing in life is free,” so
that if the dog really wants to enjoy or have something, it’s going to have to work for it.
The dog has now appear home along with you; normally, this
is such an agitative time, decidedly for that accouchement
– but generally just as abundant to the adolescent in all of us.
Spuds Mac – Kenzie, a female Bull Terrier (real name Honey Tree Evil Eye) in her
own role because the Budweiser beer spokes-dog.